marketing for car dealerships jacksonville florida

How Programmatic Marketing Can Drive Sales for Car Dealerships:

 A Case Study


As a person looking for ways to effectively market for a car dealership, you’re always looking for ways to drive sales and grow your customer base. In today’s digital age, programmatic marketing has emerged as an incredibly effective tool for reaching potential customers and increasing revenue. In this case study, we’ll explore the benefits of programmatic marketing and share key audience targeting strategies that can help car dealership general managers maximize their sales, and finally look at some common statistics comparing traditional marketing versus programmatic marketing. 

Benefits of Programmatic Marketing for Car Dealerships: 

Precise Targeting: Programmatic marketing enables you to reach specific audience segments based on demographics, online behavior, and other factors. This ensures that your ads are seen by the right people who are more likely to be interested in your offerings. 

Cost Efficiency: Programmatic advertising allows you to set a budget and bid on ad placements in real-time, ensuring that you’re only paying for ads that reach your target audience. This can lead to better ROI compared to traditional marketing methods. 

Real-Time Analytics: With programmatic marketing, you can track the performance of your campaigns in real-time, making it easier to optimize your targeting strategies and improve your results. 

Improved Customer Experience: By delivering relevant ads to your target audience, you can create a more personalized experience for potential customers, increasing the likelihood of them engaging with your dealership. 

Key Audience Targeting Strategies for Car Dealerships:


In-Market Car Shoppers: Focus on individuals actively searching for new or used cars online, visiting comparison websites, or engaging with other local dealerships. 

Geographic Targeting: Prioritize potential customers within driving distance of your dealership, ensuring your ads reach the right local audience.

Demographics: Tailor your campaigns to attract specific demographic segments based on your inventory and typical customer base. 

Behavioral Targeting: Analyze online behavior to identify potential customers who are likely to be interested in purchasing a car. 

Vehicle Ownership: Target individuals with older vehicles or expiring leases, increasing the likelihood that they’re ready to purchase a new car soon. 

Life Events: Target individuals experiencing life events that often lead to car purchases, such as recent college graduates, newlyweds, or new parents. 

Competitor Conquesting: Reach potential customers who have shown interest in or visited competing dealerships, attracting buyers who are already considering a used car purchase. 

Retargeting: Re-engage users who have previously visited your website or engaged with your online ads, encouraging them to revisit your dealership. 

Programmatic marketing presents a powerful opportunity for car dealerships to reach their target audience and drive sales more effectively. By leveraging the precise targeting capabilities of programmatic advertising, you can ensure that your marketing budget is spent on reaching potential customers who are most likely to be interested in your offerings. Embrace these key audience targeting strategies to optimize your campaigns and maximize your dealership’s sales potential. 

If you’re ready to take your dealership’s marketing efforts to the next level, consider partnering with Game Changer Media Group that specializes in the automotive industry. With our  expertise, you can develop and execute data-driven campaigns that will deliver real results for your business. 

How are the results ?? 


Car dealerships that use programmatic marketing can experience various improvements in their advertising efforts. While specific results may vary depending on factors such as targeting strategies, ad creatives, and market conditions, some common statistics for car dealerships leveraging programmatic marketing include: 

Increased conversion rates: Programmatic marketing can lead to higher conversion rates due to the precise targeting and personalization capabilities. Dealerships can experience a 20-40% increase in conversion rates by using programmatic advertising compared to traditional marketing methods. 

Better ROI: Dealerships utilizing programmatic marketing often see a better return on investment (ROI) due to the improved cost efficiency and targeting capabilities. It’s not uncommon for dealerships to see an ROI improvement of 30-50% compared to traditional advertising methods. 

Lower cost per acquisition (CPA): By targeting the right audience and optimizing ad placements, programmatic marketing can help dealerships lower their cost per acquisition. CPA reductions of 10-30% are common when compared to traditional marketing methods. 

Higher click-through rates (CTR): Programmatic ads are more likely to resonate with their target audience due to their personalization and relevance. This often leads to higher click-through rates, with CTRs increasing by 20-40% compared to traditional advertising methods. 

Greater brand visibility and awareness: Car dealerships using programmatic marketing can experience increased brand visibility and awareness. This can result in an uptick in website traffic, foot traffic to the dealership, and overall engagement with the brand. 

Improved customer retention and loyalty: With the ability to retarget and engage with previous customers, programmatic marketing can help improve customer retention and loyalty rates. Dealerships using retargeting strategies may see a 10-20% increase in repeat business. 

Enhanced ad performance tracking: Programmatic marketing provides real-time analytics, which allows dealerships to track their ad performance more accurately. This enables them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their campaigns for even better results. 

It’s important to note that these statistics are general trends and may vary based on factors such as the dealership’s market, budget, targeting strategies, and ad creatives. To achieve the best possible results, dealerships should continuously test, optimize, and refine their programmatic marketing campaigns. 

Ready to supercharge your dealership’s marketing efforts with programmatic advertising? Get in touch with our team of automotive marketing experts today for a free consultation and discover how we can help drive more sales and grow your customer base. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your dealership’s marketing strategy – contact us now!



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